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League of Legends is a very intense strategy game that requires immense skill. This MOBA game has managed to become a worldwide success as it is extremely popular. This fast-paced strategy game is a title which was especially made for the players who are craving a good challenge.

Whilst getting skilled is very important to get wins in this game, skills are not the only thing that matter. Today, I will tell you why teamwork is important for a game like League of Legends, and I will also tell you guys how one can become an effective member of the team.

Why does teamwork in LoL matter?

In League of Legends, the best player is the team-player! Being a MOBA game, LoL requires a lot of strategical planning. So, cockiness is never the right answer. No matter how skilled you are at the game, you must always cooperate with your team.

If you don’t play as a team, then the enemies can easily get the upper hand by slowly taking out individual players. Every match in this game can be won if you play together as a team.

With that out of the way, let us talk about how one can become a better team player.

Voice Chat is very important

Okay, I know this one is kind of simple and straight-forward, but it is also the most important. Being a fast-paced game, you can’t expect to be a good team player, if you have to stop every 2 seconds to type a message. Communication needs to be swift and simple in a game like League of Legends.

This tip only works if you play with the same group of friends every day and are serious about improving your performance. You can add-up your friends on services like Discord, and communicate with them verbally.

Of course, you still need to ping stuff as well, and not completely rely on your voice.

Learn about your teammates’ weaknesses

Every champion in this game is built differently. Whilst some are good at offense, others are good at defense. You must always try to choose a champion that complements the champions of your teammates.

You must also research different champions to know what their weaknesses are. Not only will this help you easily defeat enemy players, but it will also make you a better team player.

Ambush other players

Teamwork is especially important late in the game. In the end, you should always stick together! You and your teammates can try to ambush individual enemy players and get the upper-hand in battle.

League of Legends team strategy
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Always have a strategy

In a fast-paced game like League of Legends, you can’t just expect to jump in a battle and win. You always need a well-built strategy that makes use of each and every player in the team. You must always take a look at the enemy players and try to think ahead of them. A good strategy can be the major factor on which the match depends.

Have a leader

You must always have a shot-caller or a leader in every match of League of Legends. This person should be someone who has a long history with the game and can make quick decisions. The leader ensures that all of the other champions are fulfilling their roles in every way possible.

Accept your mistakes

Accepting your mistakes is very important for a team player. If you don’t accept your own mistakes, then your team will never be able to function properly. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not just think about yourself, but think about the team as a whole. Whenever you are in a grave situation, then you shouldn’t always call for backup. You should sometimes accept your death and let your teammates move forward.

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